
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Gun Control ... ?

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Okee dokee ... I've seen a ridiculous amout of "stuff" over the past few months on here on the gun control issue. But before I get out my soapbox and start in, lemme preface it with this: I'm 6 feet tall+. I weigh 212 pounds. I can easily bench press most muggers and/or burglers. I have owned MANY guns in the past, though I currently own none. I taught my two sons gun safety and taught my now ex-wife to shoot, long ago. So, I have lived life with and without guns. NOW ... Up on the soapbox I go: The people who govern our country, from the Pres. right down to whatever level you want to stop at, is protected on a regular basis by ... people with guns. Police officers, are people with guns on their person pretty much anytime they are awake. Our military consists mainly of ... people with guns. So .... Guns are good to protect our nation. Guns are good to protect the public and keep the peace. Guns are good for protecting the lives and well-being of our government and their families ... But we need to crack down on the general public having guns??? Look ... a cop, a soldier, a secret service agent, someone out hunting pheasant or deer, someone shooting skeet ... all PEOPLE WITH GUNS. Any one of them could have a screw lose and decide to go on a shooting spree. Guns aren't the problem. PEOPLE are the problem. And let's face it ... THERE IS NOTHING ANYONE CAN DO TO GUARANTEE THE SAFETY OF ANYONE!!!! This is Earth. It can be a dangerous place to live sometimes. So either climb your ass into your root cellar and stay there for the rest of your life, or realize that life has zero safety guarantees and get out there and live and let live. Just because I can beat a mugger into the ground like a tent stake, hence have no need to carry around a gun, doesn't mean that right (YES RIGHT) should be denied to ANYONE who believes THEY SHOULD have or carry a gun. Look at the statistics. States with the most strict gun laws HAVE THE HIGHEST CRIME RATES. States where the gun laws are the least restrictive HAVE THE LOWEST CRIME RATES. What happened at Sandy Hook was a horrible tragedy. But if the guy had locked everyone in the school by chaining all the doors shut and then poured gasoline on everything and burned everyone in the place to death ... would we all be debating whether or not our chain control and gasoline control laws were adequate? NO! We'd be lamenting fifty times as many deaths and wondering what drives a person insane enough to do such a horrible thing. News Flash: THE GOVERNMENT AND OTHER SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS ARE USING THE HORRIBLE TRAGEDIES THAT OCCUR IN OUR COUNTRY AS A MEANS OF SHOCKING US INTO BUYING INTO THEIR AGENDA!!!!! You're smarter than that. No ... It's not some conspeiracy theory or "OMG, they're out to get us" ... It's politics. It's special interest. It's fear-mongering. Don't fall for it. Don't buy into the hype. "Never has a good decision been made amidst hysteria" ... Me.