
Saturday, October 13, 2012

Florida Passes Plan For Racially-Based Academic Goals .... HUH?!?!

The Florida state Board of Education passed a controversial plan to set reading and math goals based upon race. (Photo credit should read FRANK PERRY/AFP/GettyImages)

"Palm Beach, Fla. (CBS TAMPA) – The Florida State Board of Education passed a plan that sets goals for students in math and reading based upon their race.
On Tuesday, the board passed a revised strategic plan that says that by 2018, it wants 90 percent of Asian students, 88 percent of white students, 81 percent of Hispanics and 74 percent of black students to be reading at or above grade level. For math, the goals are 92 percent of Asian kids to be proficient, whites at 86 percent, Hispanics at 80 percent and blacks at 74 percent. It also measures by other groupings, such as poverty and disabilities, reported the Palm Beach Post.
The plan has infuriated many community activists in Palm Beach County and across the state."

Really? "Infuriated"? Um ... Are you friggen KIDDING me?!?!

It's like some racist butthole somehow got into a position high enough to try and make racial stereotypes statistically correct. From what I'm reading, Asians are better at math than Whites, Hispanics and Blacks in descending order. The same goes for reading. So ... Buy into the stereotypes and lower your expectations?!

Let me tell you something about the intentional muting of potential ... Human beings, by nature, tend to perform to the MINIMUM expectation of their peers. So if I wanted to make sure the status quo isn't upset ... If I wanted to reinforce the building of a stronger Cast System in the United States, this is EXACTLY how I would go about it. God knows we don't want any minorities catching up or even PASSING any race considered their superior. So, lower the expectation on the intellectual playing field, for them. If you set up a system that accepts less of a performance from Blacks and Hispanics than what is expected from Whites and Asians, and give out the same rewards across the board to all, you can, in a sense, mute the performance of those from whom you expected less in the first place. According to the plan the Florida State Board of Education has set up, a Native American from a broken home who suffers in abject poverty, is being pretty much told it's okay to do poorly compared to students who 'have it better' ... It's just a left-handed way of saying "You suck because you're not from one of the races we consider better than you ... But it's okay to suck because we already expected you to."

Guess what else? Let's say I'm an employer, say, around 2018 ... And I KNOW that a group of job applicants, all possessing the same educational credentials, but differing in race, had varying degrees of requirements to get their respective credentials ... I would know that the credentials held by Asians and Whites were actually BETTER than those held by Blacks and Hispanics because of the respective varied levels of excellence required to obtain said credentials.

You get the point.

In short ... Hey Florida Board of Education ... Fuck you, you bunch of racist, misogynistic assholes!

Aahhh ... I feel better. How 'bout you?

Thanx for spending a little time with me.

I appreciate it.


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