
Monday, October 15, 2012

Obama Is An Arrogant Prick

I tried to come up with a better title for this addition ... "Obama Is Not Fit To Be An American, Let Alone The President" came in second place. Just LOOK at this picture of our "President" I found posted by the Patriot Underground:

Now ... I try to keep the profanity in my Columns to a minimum. But for this one ... Well ... If you are under 18, or if you are easily offended by profanity, read no further. This is not going to be a RANT for the faint of heart .....

Up until now, I have never been a huge fan of Obama. But I have done my best to give him a fair shake. When I hear something said about him that I know to be untrue, I have defended him. When asked if I thought he was a bad person, I always said, "I think maybe he just bit off more than he could chew with this President thing. That doesn't make him a bad person. Just inexperienced." When people have said derogatory/racist things about him, I have quipped "Hey ... He IS our President. Have a little respect!"

And now ... I take back every fucking WORD of it! Obama, you fucking low-life piece of SHIT!!!

Those two guys ... You know ... The ones in the uniforms, saluting you as you get off that chopper THAT WE THE PEOPLE FUCKING PAID FOR are SOLDIERS. These guys and millions of others look to you with the utmost respect as their Commander and Chief ... If you tell them to go to the Middle-East and die, they fucking DO IT. You tell them to leave their spouses and children and parents and boyfriends and girlfriends and jobs behind and jump on a plane and go fight to uphold your ideals, they fucking DO IT. They get shot and blown up. They sleep in huddled masses in shallow foxholes in the sand with fucking scorpions and biting ants and they get to change their clothes once a fucking month sometimes. They go to some of the most God-awful shit-holes on the planet because YOU fucking tell them to and they DO IT!

YOU ARE A PUBLIC SERVANT you fucking asshole! WE THE PEOPLE pay your fucking salary. You hold a position of power BECAUSE WE THE PEOPLE FUCKING GAVE IT TO YOU. And the very pinnacle of the people who have given you every fucking thing you have ... That really cool, big ass house? ... You know ... The White one ? ...WE OWN IT!  That fucking plane your wife uses to take $500,000.00 trips to Africa to take your fucking kids to a private trip to a safari park? ... WE OWN IT! Your limos and helicopters? We fucking own them too. Because every fucking bit of it was bought with money WE earned and paid in as taxes to support our country.

Your sense of entitlement is obscene! For Christ's SAKE! You were given a fucking NOBEL PRIZE for doing absolutely NOTHING!!!!! There were people that year curing forms of cancer and creating new science and better bio-fuels and vaccines etc. .... And they gave it to YOU?!?!?! And you had the absolute absence of class or grace to DECLINE?!?!

THAT, coupled with the above posted picture has drawn aside the curtain and revealed you as the arrogant, useless, graceless piece of shit we Americans have grown to be so terribly ashamed of. If you had a decent bone in your body, you'd resign tomorrow and live out the rest of your life in exile.

In summation, Fuck you Obama.

Thanx for spending a little time with me.

I appreciate it.


1 comment:

  1. Obama has like at least three black coloured blackberry as of the news I saw in December last year. And he has been using blackberry since he was elected if am not wrong. Also, I think almost about every door a president goes through has a couple these guys there. If they stopped to do a proper salute every time, they'd spend half their day just doing "proper salute".
