
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Health Care, HS Education, Birth Control and Abortion.

Happy Hump-Day Kiddies!

I know I've been out of the spotlight for a while. What can I say? Life happens.

Anyway ... Time to raise a little hell ... This is "Off On A Rant" after all ....

I saw a pic posted on Facebook the other day. It looked exactly like this:


Let's dig into this a bit ... First, the average age of a child, entering high school, is 13. If your child is 13, and they don't know where babies come from, you are a horrible parent. It is NOT the duty of our educational system to teach our children about the proverbial birds and the bees. It is the duty of the parent/parents of said child. As for health care, what the hell does THAT have to do with abortion? Abortion is all about your moral compass. If your parents have taught you right from wrong, you won't have to worry about becoming pregnant within unfavorable circumstances because you won't be sexually active until you are ready and responsible enough to prevent unwanted pregnancy. And as for birth control, if you are of legal age to have sex, you are old enough to stop by the local friggen Walgreen's and pick up condoms or get on the pill. If you are a female and want to get on the pill, it's ONE visit to any GP doctor's office to get a prescription written. If you don't have the money for that, I'm willing to bet the guy who is dying to get in your panties will be more than happy to pay for that in lieu for what he stands to get in return.

When the hell did all of this become the responsibility of the government? We want the schools or some social program to take responsibility for raising our kids now? And while we're on that subject ... Follow me here ... What the hell are we doing letting said government legislate abortion? First off, gender-biased laws are ILLEGAL ... As far as I can tell, abortion legislation applies only to people who have a vagina ... And last time I checked, the only people who possess one of those, are female. I personally, am against abortion. But, not being in possession of a vagina, I really have nothing more than an opinion. When it comes down to the brass tacks, I don't have a dog in that fight. It is a moral issue. Morality can't be legislated.

Now ... There are always going to be people out there who, for whatever reason, have a moral compass that could be used as the cooling fan on a Buick. People who live like that are more than likely going to see some negative consequence. Blaming the abortion rate on high school or health care or birth control is like being morbidly obese and blaming McDonald's. You KNEW that eating six Big Macs for lunch every day was going to make you gain weight. It was a gradual process. You could have stopped at any time. It's not like you woke up in great shape on Tuesday and by Friday you were a semi-gelatinous, wheezing pig.

SHOULD everyone have a high school education? Sure. What does that have to do with abortion? NOTHING.

SHOULD everyone have adequate health care? Sure. What does that have to do with abortion? NOTHING.

SHOULD everyone have access to birth control? THEY DO. What does that have to do with abortion? NOTHING.

When looking at any issue, it's important to look at the basis ... The root cause, if you will. And there are any number of reasons women get abortions. And each of these reasons is a deeply personal and often spiritual struggle for that individual. Slapping a generic label on it is just wrong. Supposing there is a generic answer to the problem is just ignorant.

I rest my case ... for now.

Thanx for spending a little time with me.
I appreciate it.


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