
Monday, November 28, 2011

How To Post Your Own Rant On This Blog

Hi All. I've had many requests for readers to post their own rants etc. on this blog. It too a littlel time, but I have the process nailed down finally. You have to give me your email at Then I have to ad your email to the list of "Authors" authorized to post on the blog. You will then get an email for confirmation from blogspot, if I'm not mistaken, and that will give you authorization to post to your heart's content. Once this is done, please don't rake me over the coals too badly with your posts. They have content rules etc. and I don;t want to get into trouble with them. They've been good enough to give me this opportunity to get this thing up and going and I don't want to give them a reason to stop supporting this forum. I believe it has real value.

Thanx for spending a little time with me.
I appreciate it.


  1. Why not have them email you with the rant and then you post it as a guest post rather then them having access to post on your blog when ever?

  2. I want my readers to have a certain freedom to post what's on their mind whenever they like. I am trusting them not to abuse that freedom. I hope it works out well for all. : )
