
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Welcome to my world ...

Well folks ... Here it is. The place to get it all out there ... Get it off your chest ... Air your respective dirty laundry ... But most important of all, the place where you can hear what I have to say. You are free to read anything you want and post anything you want, but be warned ahead of time ... Anything you post on here is subject to scathing remarks and ridicule. I offer advice as well as my personal rants. But don't be surprised if my take on your personal drama is something other than what you'd expect from Dear Abby or anyone of that ilk. What you'll get here is the straight dope. No pulled punches. But it will be the best advice I can muster for you.

Got a question? Post it. I'll either find you an answer or tell you where you can get one. Got a problem? I'll do my best to help. But if you're a sniveling little drama queen (gender neutral) prepare to get your ass handed to you. Pissed about something? Vent to your little heart's content.

BUT ... And this is a huge but .... No full names! If "Bob" has a dog which shits in your front yard every morning and you wanna vent about it, feel free. But I don;t want to know "Bob's" last name ... or his address or phone number or email address ... In other words, no personal information that would make the person's identity known to other readers.

Sooooo ... Post as often as you like. Post pics. Post opinions. Post life-shattering events. If you feel okay with letting the world see it, post it here. I'll be on daily to post my own rants and have a look at what you've left me, answer questions, field problems and offer up advice where it's needed.

Thanx for spending a little time with me.
I appreciate it.


  1. Rant #1: I hate when people say "irregardless". End of rant. And for a bit of conversation... ARE YOU KIDDING ME WITH THAT E-BLOGGER PROFILE PIC?

  2. "Irregardless" ... One of my favorites too, along with "For all intensive purposes" ... It's "For all intents of purpose" for cryin' out loud! As for the PIC, that was a left-handed homage to the guy who provided 50% of the genetic material necessary for me to come into existance ... my Father. The pic was from the LA Times, way back when. Some reporter for the paper was nuts about the "Old Man's" poetry, one poem in particular titled "Wild Things". I spent 3 days with the guy when I was 13, then lived with him for a 6 month or so stint when I was 19. That's about the extent of my life-long association with him. He now lives in Bloomington, Indiana with his ... 8th wife I think? But, we'll go into that rant some time in the future. Thanx for posting Josh! I'll change the pic as soon as I find something else that trips my trigger.

  3. How do we post an new rant?

    I want to rant about how some airlines say that "bags fly free". That's bs; the cost of bag handling is included in the fare..not that anybody ever checks a bag anymore..but that is another rant..

    Signed, a friend in Arkansas.

  4. Dear "Friend From Arkansas",
    I checked and the only way you can post an actual rant is if you post it as a comment. Then I can copy/paste it into a new Rant. The web host only allows the blog author to create new posts. I will, however see what I have to do to change that.

    Thanx for spending a little time with me.
    I appreciate it.
