
Friday, November 25, 2011

Human Trials/Using human subjects for testing drugs/products etc.

Okay ... PETA ... ACLU ... and any number of other organizations, whose job it is to protect animals and humans from ... humans I guess ... This one's for you.

FIRST ... PETA. Okay guys. I get it. Don't be cruel to animals. But ... This crap of throwing blood/red paint on people wearing fur has to stop. You are destroying someone's personal property to make your point. That's illegal. I don't own a fur coat, but I assure you, if I did, and you threw paint on it, you'd have a serious ass-kicking coming. I would more than likely strip those leather Nike's from your feet and beat the shit out of you with them. You think the millions of cows who die annually so you can wear leather shoes, leather belts and leather gloves, committed suicide? They came from the same slaughterhouse that produced the meat for that friggen Big Mac you had for lunch yesterday. And that goose down comforter on your bed ... You can pretty much count on the fact that the goose involved in its production was not a volunteer, nor did it survive the production process. I don't know what the statistics are on what percentage of Americans are  vegetarians. Frankly, I don't care enough to spend my time looking that up. But I can tell you this much ... They are not the majority. This is made evident by the plethora of businesses in our country who sell animal based products and do very well ... McDonald's ... Wilson's Leather ... Nike ... Wendy's ... Burger King ... Ashley Furniture ... Burgers, shoes, jackets, leather sofas ... The list is endless. You guys wanna protect animals from chemical testing etc.? To an extent, you have a point. Animals don't get a choice. BUT ... You tell me ... and be honest ... If you had a three-year-old son, dying from a horrible affliction, and the doctors said the only way to save his life and the lives of thousands of children just like him, was to hit a million Koala Bears in the head with an aluminum bat ... Would you or would you not turn into the world's greatest Bat-Whacker of Koalas? If I was in that position, there wouldn't be a safe place on the planet for a Koala to hide.

But ... If we did away with animal testing ... Okay ... Time to pick on the people against HUMAN testing....

There are people out there ... Grown ass people who are over 18, who WANT to be test subjects for anything  and everything from makeup to experimental surgery to new drugs ... especially new drugs ... And you won't LET THEM?! Some of these people simply want to do their part. Some just want a chance at a cure for some affliction they have. Some are desperate for money. In all cases, I say LET THEM. Nothing wrong with people wanting to do their part. 'nuff said on that one. Experimental treatment on diseases, especially for those who have the disease and are up for anything that has a chance at improving their lot ... No brainer. It's their life and possibly the only chance they have of living disease free or in some cases live at all. For those desperate for money ... If they are willing to let you hook them up to a car battery in the name of science for a few bucks, what ELSE do you think they would do for money? ... Rob a bank? Mug you? Deal drugs? Sooooo ... Medical trials on these people might be just the thing that keeps them from resorting to a life of crime.

Okay ... Enough for now.

Thanx for spending a little time with me.
I appreciate it.


  1. PETA, etc will show up at a trial for someone accused of playing frog baseball, but where are they when there is a trial for an abused infant or child? If you really want to stand up for the voiceless and innocent victims, try standing up for children that are beaten, sexually abused and/or neglected. Be a CASA volunteer; if you do that first, then I might listen to your viewpoint on anmials.

    A friend...

  2. Actually ... My personal viewpoint on animals is that they are, by and large, food. Cats and dogs and the like, enjoy a status as pets and companions in American culture. In other parts of the world, they are food as well. I kept a wolf as a pet for 5 years, so I have a soft spot for them as well. But when it comes down to animal welfare versus human welfare, I am a strong advocate of 'people first'. Cruelty, on the other hand, is something that, in my opinion, requires the human who visits said cruelty on animal or fellow human, to have a screw lose to begin with. Cruelty toward children in any form is the absolute worst thing a human can do. But that is a rant all by its self.

    Thanx for spending a little time with me.
    I appreciate it.
