
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Occupy Wallstreet? ... Horse Puckie!!!!

Okay ... I live on Long Island ... Way out on the East End of the North Fork, about 90 miles from New York City. And I can't turn on the news without seeing more of this garbage about a bunch of people "occupying" Wall Street.

First off ... They aren't occupying Wall Street. They've been occupying a near by park. Until very recently, they occupied said park by sitting on their asses in tents, wrapped in warm blankets, sipping 8 dollar mocha lattes and watching Youtube videos on their iPads or playing video games. They made it impossible for any of the families that live in the area to enjoy the park. Children couldn't go there to play anymore. Couples couldn't take a stroll together anymore. Reataraunt workers were finding bags of human excrement tossed behind their workplaces. BUT ... I've heard nothing about a single CEO or bank president having to endure any hardship due to this "occupation". Not one stock broker has been prevented from getting to work. Not one millionaire or billionaire has suffered the least bit at the hands of this protest ... AIMED AT CAUSING CEO'S AND BANK PRESIDENTS, STOCK BROKERS AND BILLIONAIRES as much discomfort as possible. NOW, these chuckle-heads are planning to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge ... Thousands of them ... On the main road ... At the height of traffic for the commmon working schmuck to get home to their middle class homes and have dinner with their middle class families. Really?!

This is ridiculous! It's the equivalent of punching your next door neighbor in the mouth because the weather man was wrong. These bums ... Yup ... I said it ... BUMS ... are skipping out of work (Those of them who actually DID work at some point) and hanging around NYC being a nuisance to everyone EXCEPT the people they claim to be trying to have an effect on. They are unorganized, ineffective bratts who want to whine about things rather than actually do some WORK toward changing things for the better. They said on the news that these people have amassed a budget of 300 thousand dollars. How many REAL homeless people could you feed and house for 300 thousand dollars? You wanna send a message that people will sit up and listen to, THAT's how you do it. Not by sitting around on your ass demanding change. If a corporation is rife with greed, don't buy ANYTHING they produce. Get organized and get millions and millions of Americans to boycot them as well. TAKE AWAY the demand for their products and that will take the money out of their pockets. That's the only language they understand.

BUT ... Understand that if you go about things the right way, as described above, it requires YOU to actually suffer ... That's right. Bank president gets too big a bonus? ... You don't borrow money from the bank anymore. You actually WAIT til you can pay cash for the things you want. No more instant gratification. No more using your credit cards. You'll have to drink Folgers coffee instead of Starbucks to make up for the cash you have to put away to get the things you want. ALSO ... Realize how many levels of people whose income is derived either directly or indirectly from that bank, will suffer long before that bank president. He will throw as many of them as it take on the sacfificial pyre to keep from having to feel the effects of your boycot before he'll let his pockets be impacted by your efforts.

That's just a lose framework of the logistics involved in the change these slackers are demanding. It applies to pretty much all of the things they want.

BUT ... (There's that huge but again ... Where's Sir Mixalot when you need him?) there is another way. Not an easy way ... But a way. And it requires EVERYONE to participate. Go to work. Do your job. Do it the best you can. Save your money. Stop being the constant consumer. Drive a car you can afford, not one that turns heads. Take pride in the things your grandparents took pride in indatead of resting on some misplaced sense of entitlement and taking those same things for granted. Don't take anything you're offered unless you earned it. Be honest. Be fair. Love your country whether it's perfect or not in your eyes. Respect your boss, whether you LIKE them or not. They sign your paycheck. Deal with it. Take an active role in your family, your community and your government. VOTE ... and not just for the guy whose name rings a bell. Educate yourself on the issues and the stances held by those who vai for public office on those issues. Then pay attention to what the winner does once in office. If they don't keep promises, hold them accountable.

In short ... Stop blaming the wealthy for a system you helped create and perpetuate. Change starts at the bottom, not the top.

And for those of you still "occupying" Wall Street tonight, I say to you, Put down your stupid, posterboard signs. Go home. Get up in the morning and go to work. If you don't have a job, try to find one. If you can't find one, keep trying. Be productive. Stop looking for the answer and BECOME the answer. Do only that which makes you proud of yourself. There are ways you can actually change the world ... Really there are. But what you've been doing tonight isn't one of them.

Thanx for reading.
I appreciate it.


  1. Billy,
    You hit the nail on the head.
    The only thing that American big business understands or responds to is their bottom line (profits).
    Vote with your wallet or purse.
    Bank of America dropped their proposal to charge a fee to use a B of A debit card following thousands of people closing their accounts.
    A occupation or march would not have swayed B of A.

  2. Great post. Drive a Yugo if you must, right Billy?

    A Friend in Arkansas

  3. Well Arkansas ... It appears you are a ghost from my personal past ... Yup ... I drove a Yugo for a period of my life ... My awesome hair made up for it. But it was my first brand new car and I got rid of it pretty much as soon as the ashtray filled up.
